CV Anisimova Alina

My photo

Alina Anisimova

Junior Frontend Developer

Contact information

About Me

I want to learn Front-End Development in RSSchool!


  • HTML5
  • CSS
    • SASS / SCSS
    • BEM
    • Adaptive Development
    • Cross-Browser Development
  • JS
  • Tools
    • Git / GitHub
    • VS Code
    • Figma

Code example

Convert a Number to a String KATA from CODEWARS:

We need a function that can transform a number into a string.

            function numberToString(num) {
              return String(num);


«Cat Energy»

Online store of fitness food for cats.

  • Adaptive grid (Flexbox, Grid)
  • Adaptive graphics (webp, svg)
  • Methodology: BEM
  • Preprocessor: Less
  • Automation: Gulp
  • Cross-Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari
Project repository on GitHub

«Smart Device»

Landing page for a company for the production and installation of printed circuit boards.

  • Adaptive grid (Flexbox, Grid)
  • Adaptive graphics (webp, svg)
  • Methodology: BEM
  • Preprocessor: SASS / SCSS
  • Automation: Gulp
  • Cross-Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari
  • JavaScript
Project repository on GitHub


Ukhta State Technical University

Faculty: Architecture and Civil Engineering

Specialization: Heat and gas supply and ventilation, Specialist degree



  • Russian - Native
  • English - Beginner (in process of leveling up)